Technology and Instructional Design
Summit County Historical Society web site (2004)
Application: Dreamweaver
Web Site (see binder)
As a primary activity for my field experience, I redesigned the web site of the Summit County Historical Society to better meet the organization's needs of informing the public. The site replaced one with minimal features and outdated information. While the site's appearance was greatly improved, the accompanying documentation and training will allow the organization's employees to keep information current. (See Field Experience binder for screen shots.)
Technology and Instructional Design: Reviewed existing materials (previous web site and additional content from various sources: interviews, brochures, other historical society web sites) and created new site layout and look-and-feel based on that information. Note: the organization's web site at has since been revised with a new color scheme and layout, but much of the content remains the same.
Green Jewel 100K and 50K Fun Runs web site(2008)
Application: Dreamweaver
Web Site Course Map (use Firefox)
I developed a basic web site for a new fun run (running event) that I organized earlier in 2008. The site included information about the run, a course map (compiled from GPS data collected during training runs and integrated with Google Maps, and an application form. Upon completion of the runs, results, reports and pictures (from runner blogs) were added to the site. |
Dan Rossi Memorial Runs web site (2003)
Application: Dreamweaver
Web Site
I volunteered to develop a basic web site for the Dan Rossi Memorial Runs that were held from 2001-2004. The site includes information about the runs, past results, pictures from the event and contact information.
Buckeye Trail 50K web site (2001)
Application: Dreamweaver
I created this basic web site for a 50 kilometer run in Brecksville, OH that I founded 10 years ago. The site was designed to convey basic infomation about the race, including announcments, course maps, directions, and results from previous years. The site has since been updated since I handed the race over to another race director.
Cleveland State University Institutional Research web site (2003)
Application: Dreamweaver
Screens:Old Site Revised Site
As an institutional researcher for Cleveland State University (CSU) my responsibilities including conducting research projects using internal enrollment data and national census data. In addition, I volunteered to update our department's web site to become a more informative resource, both internally and externally, with a better look-and-feel and a more user-friendly interface. The previous site, which was static, was enhanced to include a graphic scheme based on the school colors, up-to-date enrollment reports, and news articles written by department staff. I developed the site (HTML pages) using Dreamweaver.
Personal web site (2007)
Application: WordPress
Web Site
I developed a personal web site several years ago to market myself to potential employers, publish relevant links, and post thoughts and comments about the latest technology. While the earlier sites were based on traditional HTML and later Blogger, the latest version uses WordPress because of its improved customization.
Western Reserve Trail Running web site (2008)
Application: WordPress
Web Site
As a founding member and director of Western Reserve Trail Running, a local nonprofit organization created to promote trail running within the Northeast Ohio region, I developed a web site to promote the organization and its 2008 race series. Included in the site are links to all series races, race results, and other announcements (such as the group's recent $5,000 donation to the Cuyahoga Valley National Park Association.)