Dan Berlyoung
Educational Foundations and Leadership
5100:630 Advanced Multimedia (Director)
Dan Berlyoung is an adjunct faculty member at the University
of Akron. He is a part time professor at U of A teaching Advanced
Multimedia, and several HTML workshops during the summer sessions.
He is also a full time multimedia developer. He has also had
ten years of technical support experience and ten years of
multimedia development and interface design.
Dwight Bishop
Design and Development
5100:630 Advanced Multimedia (Flash)
Dr. John Hirschbuhl
Design and Development
5100:634 Visual Literacy
John Hirschbuhl has been with the University of Akron for
the last 33 years. He received his BS from Temple University,
his MS from Temple University also, and received his Ph.D.
from the Pennsylvania State University in computer science
and instructional technology. He works for the U of A as a
professor and director of learning technology which includes
design and development, computer based assessment and evaluation,
distributed learning and software training. He has published
150 articles and 11 editions of Computers in Education: Mc
Graw Hill. He presents at many different conferences in his
specialized area of study in Instructional Technology.

Dr. Peg McCann
Design and Development
5100:632 Web Based Learning Systems
Peggy McCann is currently a curriculum designer and works
in the learning technologies and scholar learner services
for the University of Akron. She is also a part time faculty
member for the College of Education. She received her BSTE,
MSTE, and Ph.D. from U of A. She specializes in adult learning
theory and instructional technology. She has published five
different articles in the past few years and has a couple
of different publications that she is currently working on.
She has been working at the U of A since 1997. |
Dr. John Savery
Educational Foundations and
5100:631 Instructional Design;
5100:638 Integrating and Implementing Technology;
5100:635 Emerging Technologies for Instruction
5100:639 Strategies for Online Teaching.
John Savery is currently an assistant professor in the Educational Foundations
and Leadership Department of the College of Education at The University
of Akron where he teaches masters level courses in instructional design,
emerging technologies, and strategies for on-line teaching.
His research interests include the design of effective technology rich
learning environments, and strategies to foster the development of student
ownership for learning. See Dr Savery's
Web Site .
Patrick Tabatcher
Design and Development
5100:634 Visual Literacy
Patrick Tabatcher is the Senior Multimedia Producer for the University
of Akron. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the U of A. He has
been With the U of A. for the past three years. He works in the Design & Development
Services, a department within the VPCIO division. His primary function
is to assist faculty who are using WebCT or otherwise incorporating multimedia
into their teaching. His duties range from creating graphics and interfaces
on up to the creation of interactive training modules, animations and CD-ROM
development. In addition to his duties assisting faculty, He also works
with various groups on campus. This includes helping create PowerPoint
slideshows on up to website design and development. He specializes in interface
design and usability and accessibility issues in multimedia, specifically
in web design.
Foundations and Leadership
Sajit Zachariah is currently an Associate Professor in the Department
Educational Foundations and Leadership in the College of Education at
The University of Akron where he teaches graduate level courses in
Planning for Technology, Technology for Administrators and Hypermedia.
His research interests include the use of Handheld technology in K-16
environments, multimedia in education and online learning environments. |